Teacher's Auto Text

Teacher's Auto Text is a gradebook built in Microsoft Excel that enables teachers to connect with parents with a touch of a button. Parents can receive personalized text messages regarding their child's progress in class throughout the school year. This system creates accountability for both the parent and the student.


  • Personalized Messages
  • Two Way Communication
  • Fully Customizable Gradebook
  • Sortable Seating Chart
  • Attendance Tracking
  • Student & Class Summary Reports

And Many More...

Text Messages or Email?

Text messaging is the best way to communicate with parents... Why?

  • 99% of American adults between the ages of 18 and 49 have a cell phone.
  • This demographic is most likely to have school aged children.
  • According to a report commissioned by SinglePoint, it was found that text message open rates exceed 99%, and even more shocking is that 90% of all text messages are read within 3 minutes of being received on the mobile phone.

Teacher's Auto Text

Message Sending

Send personalized messages about student grades, missing assignments or any class announcement to parents in minutes.

When we say personalized, we mean personalized. The only limit is your imagination. Here are some sample messages that can be sent...

Today we took a test in Chemistry and Daniel did not do well. He scored a 43%. That makes his current grade in the class 57.2% - F. Daniel may need to start going to the tutors we offer after school or come in for extra help from me. - Mr. Whoever

Thought you would like to know, today we took a test in Government and Carly got a 86%. That makes her current grade in the class 92.4% - A. =) - Mrs. Whoever

Please talk with Brianna and find out why last night's Algebra homework was not turned in and make sure it gets turned in tomorrow. It was worksheet #15. Brianna is currently missing 3 assignments. Thanks for your help - Ms. Whoever

What Do Parents Think?

We will give you hint... They love it!

“I am very impressed with this news! And appreciate such quick feedback as always from you! Makes things a lot easier for me as a parent! So thank you again.”- Response from a Parent

Watch the video to see Teacher's Auto Text at work.

Notify parents of exactly how their child is doing in class with just a few clicks. Parents also have the ability to easily respond directly with any concerns. The student is no longer the only means of communication.
